Trial Lawyer Brent Walker Discusses the Rabbi Shapiro Case
"We couldn't believe it when Rabbi Shapiro told us that he was just put on the floor of this meat packing plant, and no one told him what to do, what to look out for, it blew my mind. I can't fathom a company that has any concern at all for their employees, that doesn't take the time necessary to say to them, 'Here are the problems. Here's what you should watch out for.' Certainly, companies should be doing that. And I hope that they are now. I know, from Rabbi Shapiro's perspective, and we were told by the defendant in that case, that they had instituted new policies. And I hope that most companies do that, because employees are what make the company money. If you don't treat them well, if you just treat them like they're just dispensable people, ultimately, it's bad business, and it's bad from a societal standpoint. Companies need to have that message."