Go Green for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

Aldous\ Walker LLP is encouraging everyone to Go Green for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month and Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day on March 25th!

Started in 2006, CP Awareness Month helps educate the public about cerebral palsy, a group of permanent disorders that affect movement and posture.

According to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation:

  • Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children and is attributed to problems in brain development that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, or early infancy.
  • Cerebral palsy motor disorders are often accompanied by other impairments, including problems with communication, cognition, sensation, and epilepsy.
  • 1 in 2 people with CP live in chronic pain, 1 in 3 cannot walk, 1 in 5 cannot talk, and 1 in 10 has a severe vision impairment.
  • People with disabilities such as CP are 3x to 4x more likely to struggle with depression.

Although there are more than 17 million people living with cerebral palsy across the world, most people don’t know much about the condition.

By helping the public understand CP, Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month teaches our schools, businesses, and communities about the importance of creating inclusive spaces where everyone can participate in ways that work for them. Because promoting activity and exploration can help children with CP gain more independence later in life, this is a great goal to get behind.

If you want to get involved this month, you can wear green to show your support or share informational posts from the Cerebral Palsy Foundation on social media using the #GoGreen4CP hashtag.

Our Commitment to Birth Injury Victims

While it isn’t always clear what causes cerebral palsy, we do know the condition often results from oxygen deprivation during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. Sometimes, this oxygen deprivation is preventable and a direct result of medical negligence – whether that’s failure to detect fetal distress, a C-section delivery error or delay, improper induction, or other substandard care.

As a firm committed to fighting for birth injury victims, Aldous \ Walker is happy to support great causes that help good people. We are also available to speak with families about their rights and options for birth injury litigation following preventable infant brain damage. Give us a call to speak with an attorney.
